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Scholarships 101 & 102

​Dr. Muhammad offers free support for parents and students to teach them what she learned about scholarships as a veteran school counselor. She has helped her public school students, including students with disabilities and disadvantaged situations, earn over 20 million dollars in scholarships each year. Dr. Muhammad also assists aspiring authors and writers.


Testimonies from students, aspiring writers, and authors who have benefited for free.



Free Scholarship Class


  • Avoid scholarship mistakes

  • The truth about letters of recommendation

  • Why you shouldn't leave your essays up to AI alone

  • What every college-bound athlete needs to know


Free Class for Writers:

  • How to get the book out of your head and into print

  • Getting started in general

  • How to avoid scams

  • Writing assistance


Why is it free?


"A civilized person must teach, and teaching counts as charity. After I give you what you need, you can take it and run with it. However, others will support my nonprofit by shopping with me, or they may purchase "My Mom Wants This, but I Want That: High School Guide for Educators, Parents, and Students," which is the workbook and manual I use in my free scholarship class. 


"After the free stuff, you may choose to hire me as your scholarship or writing coach. My prices are still low but that's how it works: 100 people will come and get the free stuff, and that 101st person (I pray...) will recognize the need for a personal coach and hire me. Others will see what I am doing for the community and choose to shop at my online store and get some superior products!


My Products:




​About Rising South Literacy School




At Rising South, we produce community plays and offer internships, and we are the home of the Phillip Muhammad Leadership Foundation.
The Good Pen Doctor


"Hidden Princess is as well written as Barack Obama's 'Dreams From My Father', only Hidden Princess is more intriguing and contains much more suspense." Click the book -you are here for a reason.

In "If Angels Are Men," they referred to African American as an oxymoron.

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